Wothen (w0then_)

Jack-of-all-trades from NW Chicagoland

About me

This is my website. I used Neocities since too many people use Carrd and I wanna put

my HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills to good use.

I'm basically a jack-of-all-trades. I'm an aspiring film producer, music maker,

computer programmer, artist, shitposter, domino builder, full-time transition program student,

part-time community college student and all that jazz.

I am currently employed at a local Burlington Coat Factory store as a cashier and sales floor associate, since late-July 2023.

I am also an intern at the transitional program's cafeteria and an intern at a local car dealership.

I am also neurodivergent with high functioning Autism and ADHD, as well as OCD-like and BPD-like behaviors, and

I am also diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.


Pronouns.page | Socials | Tech Info | Relationship Status | DNI

The Groundifier! | Wishlist | Patreon | Ko-Fi